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Maptools Release 3.1

I have just released release 3.1 of my Guess the City tool: Maptools. The main changes are that you can now get a random city to use with the set-city command and of course I have updated the locations data once again.

So, behind the scenes a couple of things have changed that are quite important: I am preparing to add a few more features for which the tab buttons have been added, but of more immediate import to the players I have added 2 more map layers: first of all my favorite the Atlas tile set from Thunderforest and the CanvasLight layer from Bing Maps. I didn’t have those available in the past because of rate limits, but I have decided that either all players or no players should have access to them, so I added them anyway. (Only I used to have access to them in the past).

You might also notice that the font has changed. I have choosen to go with the Geist font by Vercel because I like the way it looks, but I might change that in the future. You can expect some more changes in the looks department as the app matures.

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