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New website with Hugo and Stack

I moved my website from Sciptorium to Hugo with the Stack theme

A little over a month since I started this website with Scriptorium, I have moved it in order to use Hugo and Stack.


Like I said, my site used to be made with a tool called Scriptorium, which is a script/program that turns a set of Markdown files into a nice static website that is cheap and easy to host. Scriptorium is shiny and new and so when I came across it, I decided to give it a try. It was made in a “new” programming language called Gleam which I was very excited about and decided to jump on board with trying out this project. However, it is very new and development on it seems to have come to a halt. So I decided to start looking for a new and more mature Static Site Generator (SSG) to make my site with.


That is when I came across Hugo, which is another SSG program, but much more mature and with a lot more features, which I was very excited to try out. After a couple of hours, I had settles on a template that I liked and started the process of converting my old site to this new format, which was a bit of a chore because Scriptorium doesn’t seem to adhere to the same format for the post metadata. Luckily my site was still relatively new and thus I only had 5 files to convert.


Stack is the theme I have settled on. It gives of a very modern and modular feeling with nice cards as a layout. It also has a very beautiful dark mode which I fell in love with. It also comes with a nice Github template which I could easily adjust to fit my needs. After that, I was off to the races!

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